Tondo Blog

Tondo Edge-IQ Plug-In Controller

Simplifying Smart Lighting Installation: A Closer Look at Tondo’s Edge IQ Controller

The installation of the Edge IQ controller is designed to be straightforward, ensuring that even those with minimal technical experience can complete it efficiently.

Use Case: Streetlight Wire Theft Detection

“A report has been received regarding the theft of electrical infrastructure at a railway station in the southern part of the country. Two trenches were discovered from which communication cables buried in the ground were removed, totaling approximately 300 meters. This caused significant damage and has disrupted the signaling and traffic management systems of the railway in the southern region.”
— Israel Railways Spokesperson

Arava flood site of two deaths due to flash flood conditions.

Use Case: Driver Safety, Flash-Flood Detection, and Early Warning

“The implementation of Tondo’s smart port solution has revolutionized our operations at Piraeus Port. We now have real-time visibility into all port activities, from ship movements to utility consumption. The system has dramatically reduced our reliance on manual inspections, saving time and improving accuracy.”
— Nelly Tarnara, Public Sector Coordinator, Nea Polis

Use Case: Managing Energy Quality, Fault Detection, and Consumption

“The implementation of Tondo’s smart port solution has revolutionized our operations at Piraeus Port. We now have real-time visibility into all port activities, from ship movements to utility consumption. The system has dramatically reduced our reliance on manual inspections, saving time and improving accuracy.”
— Nelly Tarnara, Public Sector Coordinator, Nea Polis

Use Case: Municipal Electricity Theft Detection

“With this project, we have gained the ability to remotely manage and control roadway lighting, enabling us to respond swiftly and efficiently to maintenance events. With Tondo’s AI technology, we can identify unexpected events such as electricity theft. As the amount of data increases, we expect to gain even more AI-based insights.”
— Dror Goslan, Director of Electrical and Lighting Systems Maintenance, Netivei Israel

Use Case: Municipal Energy Savings and Smart City Enablement

“With Tondo’s infrastructure, we have created an AI-driven system that manages all routine maintenance independently. This system also enables us to interface with contractors regarding existing faults, and based on this information, we can further develop our vision for a smart city.” — Amir Yochai, Electrical Supervisor, Ashdod

Webinar: From Smart Lighting to Smart Cities – Southern California SCE Customers

At Tondo, we are committed to revolutionizing cities through our innovative Smart Lighting and Smart City Infrastructure solutions. Our AI-driven technologies enables cities to create safer, more efficient, and sustainable environments without burdening operations...

Combatting Streetlight Electricity Theft and Wire Theft

Tondo Smart Ltd. has developed advanced solutions leveraging deep learning AI to detect and prevent electricity and wire theft through its Cloud IQ, Cabinet IQ, and Edge IQ controllers.

Decorative feature image for Cybersecurity

The Future of Smart City Cybersecurity

Here, we explore the advantages of Tondo’s hardware-based security measures over competitors’ software-based solutions, as well as the benefits of Tondo’s fully managed back-end cloud platform.

Utility worker servicing street light

Tondo Smart Lighting and Smart City Solutions for Transmission & Distribution Utilities

Integrating connected critical infrastructure, environmental monitoring, and transportation solutions into Tondo’s Smart Lighting-based network can provide comprehensive smart city management capabilities, delivering benefits to cities and utilities.

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The Health Effects of Light Pollution

The Health Effects of Light Pollution

A growing body of scientific research suggests that light pollution can have lasting adverse effects on human health, and wildlife health, habitat, and migration.

Factors Affecting Perceived Safety in Railway Stations

Factors Affecting Perceived Safety in Railway Stations

Feeling safe in public transport is essential for mobility, and fear of crime can be a larger problem for the individual than crime itself.

Among the most important characteristics affecting passengers’ safety are lighting, surveillance, other persons’ behaviour, time of day, and one’s own gender.

Creating safe spaces for railway and public transit facilitates increased use, which has follow-on socio-economic benefits for cities.

Designing and Implementing Advanced and Efficient Roadway Lighting

Designing and Implementing Advanced and Efficient Roadway Lighting

This 2016 paper by Adam Sedziwy and Leszek Kotulski is an essential for street lighting designers and engineers. The authors propose methodologies that drive savings by LED retrofit projects, advanced (aka Smart) lighting control and design, and operational & management cost savings available from advanced networked lighting systems.

Reducing Crime with Street Lighting in New York City

Reducing Crime with Street Lighting in New York City

We find evidence that communities that were assigned more lighting ex- perienced sizable reductions in crime. After accounting for potential spatial spillovers, we find that the provision of street lights led, at a minimum, to a 36 percent reduction in nighttime outdoor index crimes.

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The Environmental and Economic Impact of Advanced Smart Roadway Lighting Controls

A qualitative and quantitative analysis of how using effective lighting design and advanced ...
The Health Effects of Light Pollution

The Health Effects of Light Pollution

A growing body of scientific research suggests that light pollution can have lasting adverse ...
Factors Affecting Perceived Safety in Railway Stations

Factors Affecting Perceived Safety in Railway Stations

Feeling safe in public transport is essential for mobility, and fear of crime can be a larger ...
Designing and Implementing Advanced and Efficient Roadway Lighting

Designing and Implementing Advanced and Efficient Roadway Lighting

This 2016 paper by Adam Sedziwy and Leszek Kotulski is an essential for street lighting ...

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