Tondo Blog

The Tondo team includes highly experienced leaders in outdoor lighting, IoT technology, information security, artificial intelligence, and business analytics.

This is where you’ll find our thoughts on the current and future state of Smart Lighting and Smart City systems.

Combatting Streetlight Electricity Theft and Wire Theft

Tondo Smart Ltd. has developed advanced solutions leveraging deep learning AI to detect and prevent electricity and wire theft through its Cloud IQ, Cabinet IQ, and Edge IQ controllers.

The Future of Smart City Cybersecurity

Here, we explore the advantages of Tondo’s hardware-based security measures over competitors’ software-based solutions, as well as the benefits of Tondo’s fully managed back-end cloud platform.

Tondo Smart Lighting and Smart City Solutions for Transmission & Distribution Utilities

Integrating connected critical infrastructure, environmental monitoring, and transportation solutions into Tondo’s Smart Lighting-based network can provide comprehensive smart city management capabilities, delivering benefits to cities and utilities.

Smart Lighting Costs and Benefits

The Business Case for Smart Lighting Controls summarizes the costs, savings, and methodologies associated with Smart Roadway Lighting.

Understanding the Basics of Smart Street and Area Lighting

In this post, we will explore the basics of smart lighting and introduce Tondo’s innovative solutions that are transforming urban lighting systems worldwide.

The Business Case for Smart Street Lighting as the Smart City Network – 2024 Edition

This paper details all of the key components of the business case for Smart Lighting-enabled Smart City networks, including connected sensors and devices.

The Business Case for Smart Street Lighting as the Smart City Network 

This paper details all of the key components of the business case for Smart Lighting-enabled Smart City networks, including connected sensors and devices.

The Business Case for Smart Street Lighting as the Smart City Network

Owners and managers of street and area lighting need high quality, reliable information to support informed decisions about Smart Lighting and Smart City-related projects. Until now, most of this information has either been scattered across a vast number of academic studies, or websites with unsourced information and marketing-speak.

This article is intended to provide a supportable, accurate framework to help answer these questions:  “Why should our organization care about Smart Street Lighting? What do street lights have to do with our Smart City vision? “

What is the GHG Footprint of Street Lighting?

Replacing incandescent lighting with LED lighting results in a 41% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint, a 14% reduction from smart dimming controls and an additional 8% reduction in GHG footprint from Smart Lighting controls. This offers an opportunity for a 22% reduction in GHG footprint using Tondo Smart Lighting.

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Combatting Streetlight Electricity Theft and Wire Theft

Electricity and wire theft are significant issues affecting cities worldwide, leading to increased costs, safety hazards, and operational disruptions. Cities like St. Paul, Tacoma, and Los Angeles have experienced substantial problems with copper wire theft, causing streetlights to go dark and necessitating expensive repairs. In response to these challenges, Tondo Smart Ltd. has developed advanced solutions leveraging deep learning AI to detect and prevent electricity and wire theft through its Cloud IQ, Cabinet IQ, and Edge IQ controllers.

Electricity Theft

Electricity theft is a global issue, resulting in significant financial losses and safety risks. According to a report by the Northeast Group, the world loses approximately $89.3 billion annually to electricity theft, with countries like India, Brazil, and Russia experiencing the highest losses​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Ofgem)​. Various methods of electricity theft include tampering with meters, bypassing meters, and illegal tapping of power lines. These activities not only lead to revenue losses but also pose serious safety hazards due to the risk of electrical fires and electrocution.

Today, Tondo has an electricity theft solution in place for Israel’s National Transportation Authority, Netivei, operating on the world’s largest Smart Highway project deployed by Tondo. This solution saves Netivei an estimated $250,000 USD per year in electricity theft-related costs.

The Problem of Wire Theft

Wire theft, particularly of copper wiring, has become increasingly common due to the high value of copper. Thieves target streetlight wiring, causing outages and creating safety hazards for pedestrians and drivers. The financial burden of replacing stolen wires and repairing the damage can be substantial for city budgets.

Real-World Examples:

  • St. Paul: The city has faced numerous incidents of copper wire theft, leading to darkened streets and increased repair costs. Read more.
  • Tacoma: Tacoma has implemented various strategies to combat copper wire theft but continues to struggle with this persistent issue. Read more.
  • Los Angeles: The city has reported an unprecedented level of streetlight outages due to copper wire theft, significantly impacting public safety and increasing municipal expenses. Read more.

How Thieves Steal Wire from Streetlights

Thieves typically employ a two-step method to steal wire from streetlights:

  1. Daytime Cutting: During the day, thieves cut the wires at the junction boxes. This preparatory step is less noticeable as there is already a certain level of noise and activity, reducing the risk of being caught.
  2. Nighttime Theft: Thieves return at night to pull out the pre-cut wires. The cover of darkness reduces the likelihood of detection and allows them to complete the theft quickly and efficiently.

Tondo’s Advanced AI-Based Solution

Tondo Smart Ltd. addresses these challenges with its cutting-edge technology designed to detect and prevent electricity and wire theft. Here’s how our solutions work:

Cloud IQ with Deep Learning AI

Our Cloud IQ platform uses deep learning AI to monitor and analyze data from streetlight controls in real-time. This AI-driven approach allows the system to detect unusual patterns in energy consumption that may indicate theft or tampering.

  • Real-Time Alerts: When the AI detects anomalies, it generates real-time alerts and notifications, enabling city authorities to respond quickly to potential theft.
  • Proactive Detection: By continuously learning and adapting, the AI improves its ability to identify theft patterns, making the system more effective over time.

Cabinet IQ Energy Management Controller

The Cabinet IQ controller is installed in lighting control cabinets to monitor and analyze electricity quality. It provides advanced energy analytics and SCADA-type control capabilities, crucial for detecting theft.

  • Energy Monitoring: The Cabinet IQ measures and logs energy usage with high accuracy, identifying discrepancies that could indicate theft.
  • Anomaly Detection: When abnormal energy patterns are detected, the system flags these events for further investigation.

Edge IQ Streetlighting Controls

Edge IQ controllers are installed on individual streetlight fixtures or within streetlight poles. They play a vital role in monitoring and controlling each fixture’s energy use.

  • Detailed Monitoring: Each Edge IQ controller tracks energy consumption at the fixture level, providing granular data that helps identify theft.
  • Secure Communication: The controllers use secure, encrypted communication to ensure data integrity and prevent tampering.

Detecting Wire Theft with Tondo’s Deep Learning AI

Tondo’s deep learning AI can effectively detect wire theft through a detailed analysis of energy patterns and anomalies. Here’s how it works:

  1. Detection of Energy Loss Patterns: The AI monitors the energy consumption at the junction boxes and identifies patterns of energy loss. During the daytime, it can detect when wires are cut by noticing an immediate drop in energy usage.
  2. Comparison with Cabinet IQ Data: The AI cross-references this data with the Cabinet IQ controllers at the lighting control/utility box that feeds strings of streetlights. If the Cabinet IQ confirms that power is still being supplied but there is an interruption at the junction boxes, it raises an alert.
  3. Timing and Pattern Analysis: The AI analyzes the timing and pattern of the energy loss. If there is a consistent pattern of daytime cuts followed by nighttime losses, it classifies the anomaly as wire theft.
  4. Real-Time Alerts and Response: Once the AI classifies an incident as wire theft, it sends real-time alerts to city authorities, enabling them to respond quickly and prevent further theft.


Enhanced Public Safety

By detecting and preventing wire theft, Tondo’s solutions help keep streetlights operational, ensuring well-lit streets and enhanced safety for pedestrians and drivers.

Cost Savings

Proactive detection of electricity and wire theft reduces the financial burden on city budgets. By preventing theft and minimizing repair costs, cities can allocate funds more effectively.

Operational Efficiency

Tondo’s integrated approach streamlines the management of streetlight infrastructure. Real-time monitoring and alerts enable quick response to incidents, reducing downtime and improving overall efficiency.


Electricity and wire theft are pressing issues for cities, leading to safety risks and increased costs. Tondo Smart Ltd. offers a robust solution to these challenges through its Cloud IQ deep learning AI, Cabinet IQ energy management controllers, and Edge IQ streetlighting controls. By leveraging advanced technology to detect and prevent theft, Tondo helps cities protect their infrastructure, enhance public safety, and achieve significant cost savings.

The Future of Smart City Cybersecurity

The Future of Smart City Cybersecurity

Here, we explore the advantages of Tondo’s hardware-based security measures over competitors’ software-based solutions, as well as the benefits of Tondo’s fully managed back-end cloud platform.

Smart Lighting Costs and Benefits

Smart Lighting Costs and Benefits

The Business Case for Smart Lighting Controls summarizes the costs, savings, and methodologies associated with Smart Roadway Lighting.

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